Latest update on October 15, 2013 at 10:00 AM by deri58 .
Jolidrive is your personal space on the cloud. It aggregates the content from multiple web services (social networks, cloud storage services, audio and video streamingtc) in a simple interface, accessible from anywhere.
Jolidrive is built via open web technologies (in HTML5). So, it works in all modern browsers:
Internet Explorer
You can access Jolidrive using by signing up on its website with your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ account: https://desktop.politene
You can also use your email by clicking on the "Classic Signup".
From there you can add your different web services:
Social Networks:
Audio and video streaming services:
Jolidrive is ready for use!
To add a program/services to Jolidrive, simply mouse over its tile and click on the green + button and follow the given instructions: